Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Not a lot has been going on lately so I thought I would post a video of one of my favorite Christian bands. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Stimulus Smimulus!

I am so fed up with the whole stimulus package debacle. Who in their right minds spends more money when they are broke. In my own budget, when I am tight and have a hard time making ends meet I cut out non-essentials such as redecorating, new cars, etc. Why are our government officials having such a hard time with this concept?

Don't even get me started on the Republican turncoats in the Senate. May the rot in unsavory places. I wonder which devil they sold their soul to? Was it for more money in education, building, whatever for their state or was it the promise of a new job when they hopefully lose their future bids for reelection.

Finally, when did it stop being elected by the people for the people. 63% of Americans are against this bill in its present form yet it is still being rammed through Congress. I am so disappointed in our elected officials. Obama's chance is over and yeah I am not impressed.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well it has been extremely busy since I last posted. We were hit with a major ice storm and without power of 4 days. Let me tell you, I was not meant to go without electricity, cable, or internet. I was miserable and the kids were miserable. Darrell couldn't get to work for a couple of days which makes our checkbook miserable too. However, we are now back up and running. The kids are finally back in school and hopefully everything can go back to normal for a little while.

On the Army front. Darrell finally got all of his stuff together and it looks like he will probably be attaching to a unit here. As long as nothing changes, it also looks like he will be deploying sometime within the next year. I have very mixed feelings about it because I know it is what he wants but at the same time I really hate him being gone for a year. It also leaves us in a kind of limbo when he gets back as we wait to see if he will be able to go active or not and how long that will take. I know I just have to leave it all in Gods hands but that is not always the easiest thing to do.